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A2P yeah you know me!

Well, that might be a little bit misleading as the majority of the Automotive industry doesn’t fully understand what A2P 10DLC is. So, in the simplest of forms, let me explain. A2P dedicated routes offer increased throughput, improved deliverability, and ensure SMS is a channel for long-term customer engagement.

A2P 10DLC refers to a system in the United States that allows businesses to send Application-to-Person (A2P) type messaging via standard 10-digit long code (10DLC) phone numbers. Carriers in the US consider A2P 10DLC to provide better delivery quality and lower filtering risk than long code SMS of the past, using the same phone numbers.

The reason why I wanted to discuss A2P 10DLC is because businesses that utilize A2P 10DLC have a reputation score which directly affects your ability to deliver messages to your customers. Effective June 1st, all businesses that use a tool or platform to communicate with consumers from a 10DLC number must register their business with all service providers.

Basically, you must identify who you are and what you're sending.

So, while you sit back and think "how this affects me as a dealer?" think about these few questions.

·          Do you currently use texting in your CRM, and is that setup to be A2P compliant, and most importantly what is your TRUST Score? Based upon the trust score you are potentially having messages not being delivered?

·          Is your Service Scheduler utilizing a customer texting? Are they compliant with A2P? Potentially not delivering service reminder messages to guests with service appointments?


This is an example of how your Trust score can directly affect the volume of messages that are sent to your marketing reach, the delivery rate on text communication, and your overall communication rate.

What is TRUST Score and Why Does it Matter?

As mentioned above TRUST score is the score that the cell phone carriers grade your 10 Digit Long Code Phone number that you are texting from. Like the days of Email blacklisting from your CRM or Email campaigns, the quality of the text message and overall conversation can potentially affect your message throughput to delivery.

10DLC Wrap Up        

The moral of the story of A2P 10DLC is to contact your vendors that you are using for text communication and request to them what your TRUST Score is and then work with your provider on how you can enhance your score through providing a better overall guest experience through your messaging.

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