115 Record Sales in One Month: Instant Inbound Engagement

Complete the form to download the Toyota dealership case study. Discover how this Gulf State dealership in Texas leveraged the capabilities of ICOM AI to drive their inbound lead engagement results. ICOM AI increased the dealership’s efficiency and strategically improved their response times and sales performance.  

You’ll read about ICOM AI automations and their major role in the enhanced use of 24/7 conversational AI that led to amplified retention and facilitated 115 total vehicles sold to inbound leads in one month, which yielded record sales for the Toyota dealership.

About ICOM

ICOM is an AI software focused on human-like, SMS-based conversations that effectively drive and improve dealer workflows. The award-winning platform combines automation and proprietary models to raise communication engagement, drive productive conversations, and encourage customer loyalty.
For more information about our solutions, book your free demo with one of our experts here.

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Report highlights

"ICOM AI helps plug leaks by providing 24/7 coverage and instant responses," quote by a Toyota dealership BDC manager
  • 115 vehicle sales in 1 mo.
  • 676 AI-assisted sales in 8 mos.
  • Total incremental growth of 33 cars sales over 8 mos.

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